We're all a bit familiar of the pill contraception, but what if we took a more in-depth look at the ins and outs of a pill...like looking at someone's life through Facebook.
Bio: My full name is Ethinyl Estradiol; Levonorgestrel. But you can call me the combination pill.
Occupation: Here to stop pregnancy by preventing ovulation
Friends: Progestin, Estrogen, Periods, and Pregnancy Prevention
What's on the Pill's mind? First post:

Let me just talk about my two best-friends: Progestin and Estrogen. They are a literal part of me! These chemicals are the two main components to the combination pill.
Likes and Dislikes:

I like hormone balance. It is what lets me do my job right!
I do not like ovulation (which we all know is what helps lead to egg fertilization😳). I just cannot deal with that.
I LOVE attention. Take me every day at the same time and my success rate at keeping ovulation away is looking great.
Second Post:
Ovulation...ugh! Fertilization...also ugh! Ovulation is when the egg is released from the ovary and travels to the fallopian tubes in the reproductive tract, due to the peak in estrogen levels. When a woman is ovulating and her egg is in the fallopian tubes, sperm can travel up there and insert its DNA into the egg. This is called fertilization. This fertilized egg then implants in the uterus where it grows as an embryo to become a baby.
I hope to let this ovulation never happen.
Third post:
Did I forget to talk about my bestie Period? I get to see her once a month as long as fertilization has not occurred. When you take me, since there is no thickening of the uterus lining and no egg to break down, the period you get has no scientific meaning and is just bleeding that the scientist who made me designed to occur.
Fourth Post:
To continue my post from last time...when the egg in the fallopian tube is not fertilized, the egg is broken down along with the tissue lining along your uterus. Together the broken down egg and tissue exit your body through your cervix along with some blood and that's my bff Period! Even though we are not the exact same, we still get along very well!
Fifth Post:
Happy Birthday Estrogen! Thank you estrogen for being responsible for physical features and reproduction. You are the reason there is breast growth, pubic and underarm hair and a menstrual cycle in females! You're also the reason people have mood swings, but I love you for it. Many years ago today, the adrenal glands on top of the kidneys first produced you! Your peak is always as you signal to release the egg and although that's ovulation, when you're with me, we work well to prevent that! Love you and have a great day!
Sixth Post:
Appreciation post for progestin! You're my other half. Although you are not found in the body naturally, you are synthetically produced and I love you for that. You're only found with me and are designed to mimic progesterone which is found in the body naturally. You block signals that stimulate ovulation which is why we're such a great team.
Seventh Post:
Many of you have reached out and asked me about my occupation so I'll tell you all a little bit more. My job is to prevent pregnancy by preventing ovulation. Essentially, I trick your body into thinking you've already ovulated. To do this, instead of having fluctuating hormones, I keep them balanced. With balanced hormones, the egg is never released into the Fallopian tubes. Also, since there is no rise and fall of progesterone and estrogen, the uterus lining never thickens.
Eighth Post:
Now you've gotten to know a lot about me! If you feel like we'd get along please send me a friend request or direct message me! I'm always looking for more friends. If you're a female we can be really great friends! If you're male, I can't really help you in anyway but we can still be Facebook friends!
Ninth Post:
I was featured in a film!! Check it out!