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23andMe: Sort of like Tinder... but for DNA



Before you sign up, there are some things you need to know... (about DNA)


Creating a profile: Something unique about you

To start your journey towards love, you can order a basic $99 kit from All you have to do is spit in a tube and send your results back. How does that determine anything? Let’s look into how 23andMe works...


First off, don't be average...

Human DNA is almost identical (99.55% similar) between two people so researchers must use SNP genotyping!!! This genotyping involves taking small pieces of DNA out of a sequence and analyzing these fragments by comparing them to healthy individuals and individuals with certain diseases being tested against. These strands include variants, which are variations in letters of base pairs.


You're not the only thing that's single...

SNP stands for single-nucleotide polymorphism. A SNP is a common genetic variation in people. It is a single substitution of a base pair nucleotide at a certain position within the DNA. SNPs are able to influence susceptibility to disease, physical attributes, and more.


A match made in heaven (99% similar- What does this look like?)

Something as simple as a single point mutation can be the factor that determines if you have a condition or not.

An example of this: Albinism: This is caused by a insertion or deletion of a single nucleotide, which causes the cells responsible for pigment in your body to not function as others would.


Finding your perfect match

This process looks at specific places on DNA and identifies differences between people. There are specific locations that are associated to health conditions, traits that make you special, and family history.These variants also explain simple characteristics such as hair, facial features, and height, as well as some being pre-determinants of disease.


How am I supposed to find true love? (How genetic sequencing works)

A common way of sequencing is called gel electrophoresis. DNA is placed within a slab of scientific Jell-O and an electrical current is applied. Certain molecules move faster than others, so molecules become separated into different bands.

In a second round, colors are added to each batch so that DNA that ends with a T will come up blue, G will come up yellow, etc.

This allows researchers to identify base nucleotides within DNA.


Getting a little too personal...

You may be wondering… why spit? Why not blood or hair?

Collecting blood is an invasive procedure and can’t always be done at home. When using hair, it must have the follicle attached, so the hair can’t be cut or shred. Saliva is easily accessible, free, and can be done at home. Hair doesn’t contain as much DNA.

This is more convenient and cost efficient.


You have a match!

The results are in! You are given a full breakdown of traits that you’re more or less likely to have.

Some examples include:

“More likely to have freckles”

“More likely to be able to taste bitter foods”

This information is collected through genotyping.


You have another match!

23andMe shows where pieces of your DNA come from in the world. Not only can you discover your percentage of ethnicities, but you can find people who share your DNA. It allows you to find and connect to relatives and distant family all over the world, as well as origins of these family members, and your ancestral timeline.


Tinder Plus: VIP Results

For an extra $79, you can access information such as the risks of developing certain diseases or if you are a carrier. This is done by the process of genotyping. Experts sequencing your DNA can see if it contains any mutations. Mutations are what drives disease.

Point Mutations/Base Mutations: nucleotide is switched

Deletions: nucleotide gets deleted

Insertions: nucleotide gets added


DISCLAIMER: you might not meet “the one"

Even if you receive results that include your ancestral background, the information this website can provide you is only as good as the data they have already collected. This means that your DNA can only be compared with other samples already in the system.

If you belong to an ethnic group that there is limited information about, it is harder for researchers to determine certain characteristics and predispositions about you. If not a lot of people from your family lineage have sent in their DNA, there will not be as many matches for distant relatives in the database to connect you to.


Even if you don't meet the one, you have learned so much about yourself!

23&Me allows individuals to learn more about themselves, their future, where they came from, and their family’s history.



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